Mt. Kosciuszko

April 5, 2005
Dan Mallory and Barbara Mallory

May 22, 2015
Laura Mallory and Nicole Taylor


 7,310 ft (2,228 meters)


New South Wales, Australia


Great Dividing Range


36°27’S 148°16’E

First ascent

1840 by Pawel Edmund Strzelecki

Our route

Charlotte Pass

On April 5, 2005, Barbara Mallory, age 54 and Dan Mallory, age 54 arrived at the Charlotte Pass, the start of the trek to the summit of Mt. Kosciuszko at 7,310 feet (2,228 meters) high, the highest mountain in Australia. It is located in the Great Dividing Range in the Snowy Mountains of New South Wales, Australia s/e of Canberra, the capital city of Australia.

We began the climb at 10 a.m. from the Charlotte pass, passing several glacier lakes and traversing the continental divide ridge with various significant up and down hills reaching the summit at 2:45 p.m. on a perfectly clear day.

Although a very easy trek in relation to other climbs, it never the less, has taken the lives of some climbers as evident by the memorials along the way. A very pleasant and energetic day’s hike.

There is a debate as to whether the mountain in Austrailia or the mountain on the Australasia tectonic plate should be one of the 7 summits. As a result, Dan and Laura decided to climb both Mt. Kosciuszko and Carstenzs Pyramid.